Leverages AI to Create a Personalized Sales Assistant

for Shopify stores that work 24x7 to sell more and shop smarter.

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About Project

Re-defining the project brief

Re-defining the project brief:

To design a plugin for Shopify that focuses on online shopping websites in a way that is non intrusive yet enhances the customer's experience by curating product lists based on their preferences.

Things the plugin can do

Things the plugin can do

Asist discounts while engaging new users and make them loyal customers.

Collect and use insights derived from the user's selections and would give the adminstration insights into what the customer likes and how they respond to the shop.

Make Asist a one stop shop for a personalized shopping experience.

Why Asist

Why Asist ?

The end of third party cookies makes employing new marketing strategies imperative and unavoidable. Asist creates a safe way to help customers make shopping choices without infringing on their privacy.

This is done by using analytical or first party cookies that maintain the customer's privacy and maximizing sales.

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Categorising Pop Ups

Types of pop ups+ their users

The segregation of the different Asists based on user journeys and 21 different scenarios.

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Information Architecture

The architecture for the flow of different user groups was created namely the Customer accessing the ecommerce website and the admin handling the Asist Pop Ups in the backend

Typical Customer Journey on a
website with Asist Pop Ups

Typical Customer Journey

Typical Shop Admin Dashboard on
a Shopify website with Asist Pop Ups

Typical Shop Admin Dashboard
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Wireframe Design For Admin

Having a higher user to customer conversion rate. Keeping first time users engaged and coverting them into loyal customer. Building new and sustainable marketing strategies from the existing data about the customer. Customization of the existing shopping experience.

Page Groups

Page groups

Create Page groups to keep your Asist Popups organized.

View Asists

View Asists

View all of your Pop Ups within said Page Groups.

Add Asist

Add Asist

Build Pop Ups with real time previews, Pop Ups automatically update to publish ready designs.

Admin Wireframe Design
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Visual Design For Customers on Shop

Having a higher user to customer conversion rate. Keeping first time users engaged and coverting them into loyal customer. Building new and sustainable marketing strategies from the existing data about the customer. Customization of the existing shopping experience.



Onboarding potential customers and giving them something to look forward to

Product Suggestion

Product Suggestions

Pop Ups with Product recommendations, wich might recommend.

Similar products Products bought together Selling variants of higher or lower prices Product Variants.

Social Proofing Reviews

Social Proofing + Reviews

Social Proofing to build trust and reviews to get feedback on shopping experience and products.



Curate quizzes for customers to curate better suggestions and understand the customer's needs.

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Enough Talking
Let's Collaborate

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OR mail to: growth@f1studioz.com