CRO UX Design CRO UX Design CRO UX Design

Lightning UX for Sales
Force Applications

Bringing clarity and exploring Sales Force
UX from a unique perspective

Elevate your workflows, empower your teams, and embrace efficiency with the brilliance of Lightning UX.

CRO UX Design CRO UX Design CRO UX Design CRO UX Design

Benefits of Adopting Lightning UX

For an organization that adopted Lightning, a Forrester TEI study shows these benefits on the following dimensions

Benefits of Adopting Lightning UX
CRO UX Design CRO UX Design

The Path to Exceptional Sales Force UX


Better adoption

Create a more responsive interface for your mobile applications through Lightning. Lightning can give your app the means to automatically adapt to the look and feel of the device in use.


Data Backed Decisions

Our dashboard's visual components empower clients to make data-driven decisions with a mere glance. You can easily access important data and take important decisions for business growth.


Better Visual Reporting

Boring dashboards can make the decision-making process more time taking than they need. Creating comprehensive and interactive dashboards through Lightning can communicate more with few characters.


Dynamic Websites

Lightning Experience can help users get the most out of a UI accessible to them. Display your information in a dynamic manner by having full control over when a component appears on the lightning page.


Our Process

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Awards Won

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Best UX Agency (Silver)

UX India '17, '18 & '19
Three years in a row

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Top 3 Finalist

NASSCOM Design4India
Design Awards 2019

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Company of the Year

Recognised by Siliconindia
Year 2017

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Top 50 Teams

Across the world
on Dribbble in 2017

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Great User Experience

Awarded by FinancesOnline
Year 2017, 2018 & 2022

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Clutch Global Winner

Awarded by Clutch
Year 2023

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Clutch Champion Winner

Awarded by Clutch
Year 2023

Why customers F1Studioz f1studioz?

Well, we will let our clients answer that question :D

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What is Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)?

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is the process of improving your website or landing page to increase the percentage of visitors who take a desired action, such as making a purchase, submitting a form, or signing up for a newsletter.

How does UX design contribute to Conversion Rate Optimization?

UX design plays a crucial role in Conversion Rate Optimization. By focusing on creating seamless user experiences, UX design can help reduce friction points and guide visitors towards conversion.

Why should I choose UX-driven CRO for my Business?

By understanding the target audience and aligning your website with their needs and preferences, UX-driven CRO ensures a seamless and persuasive user journey that leads to higher conversions.