Education tech

Education Through

Navigating the Education Tech Maze

Charting a course for seamless integration, innovative learning solutions, and student success in the Digital Learning landscape.
Embracing Innovation

Embracing Innovation

Resistant to change- Education services strive to innovate and improve, yet face challenges in integrating new technologies.

Tech enhancements

Tech enhancements

The education sector demands tech-savvy professionals. Early EdTech struggled with skills gaps. Success requires hiring skilled talent and embracing digitalization.

User-Centric Approach

User-Centric Approach

Prioritizing the needs and experiences of end-users, including teachers, students, and administrators, when implementing new technologies to ensure relevance and effectiveness.


Optimizing Educational Impact

Provides tailored learning, boosts engagement, targeted support, and boosts confidence, enhancing overall learning efficiency and outcomes.

  • Personalization
  • Optimization
  • Mobile App
  • UX
  • UI
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Real Time Analytics

Elevating E-Learning through Real-Time EdTech Analytics

Real time edtech analytics enhances e-learning with instant feedback, personalization, and actionable insights for both educator and learner.

  • Data Analysis
  • E-Learning
  • Personalization
Learn, Perform, Improve

Instant Feedback for Continuous Growth

Offering resources such as e-books, assessments, and providing instant feedbacks to measure users' knowledge and progress.

  • feedback
  • E-Learning
  • Mobile App
  • UX
  • Dashboard

Our Clients

Meet the valued members of our client family, driving success through partnership and innovation.

Awards Won

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Best UX Agency (Silver)

UX India '17, '18 & '19
Three years in a row

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Top 3 Finalist

NASSCOM Design4India
Design Awards 2019

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Company of the Year

Recognised by Siliconindia
Year 2017

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Top 50 Teams

Across the world
on Dribbble in 2017

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Great User Experience

Awarded by FinancesOnline
Year 2017, 2018 & 2022

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Clutch Global Winner

Awarded by Clutch
Year 2023

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Clutch Champion Winner

Awarded by Clutch
Year 2023

ui ux blog

Value Proposition of Indian UX Agencies for US Businesses

The contemporary digital world with its cut-throat competitiveness has truly made it a task of paramount importance...

ui ux blog

The Rise of the Planet of Design Agencies

Time and effort are the crucial components of a marketplace and design is the most crucial component of brand...

ui ux blog

Unlocking B2B Growth with Powerful UX Designs

In our contemporary world where an ever-increasing number of businesses are operating and giving more importance...


Enough Talking
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